And the Land of snakes and elephants strikes back! Aussies(certain Andrew Symonds to be particular) gets the taste of their own medicine! Look out oz, this is new and improved India! India shining anyone? New and Improved India?? Yeah right!
If calling one of the most prolific and outstanding International cricketer some animal names is what one thinks of as the proof of India shining bright and white, then screw it, I would rather be part of the old India, where they knew how to treat the guests et al. This is rather unfortunate that, abusive, reckless, racial, cocky, aggressive behaviour is seen as the traits of the emerging superpower-a new India. I always thought, that the people who were best in the business believed in modesty, restraint and humble mannerisms, but may be being all tht is just not so cool anymore. May be, being on your face is the current trend or a fad, if you may call it so. Some may think, hell, aussies are like that, so why should we be blamed for aping them? Well, aussies are tht, agreed, but they are also a economic powerhouse, sports champs(and not just cricket, but swimming, athletics, tennis, x-games, you name it!), cleanliness freaks and many such things. Moreover, is it necessary that, we have to ape someone to prove that we are as good as them? This shows a lot of insecurity, immaturity and inferiority complex among us Indians, that we have to adopt someone else's behaviour and attitude to show off our new found confidence. And anyways, it is really weird and childish to assume that by being aggressive, cocky and abusive you would necessarily be efficient, intelligent and the one who delivers when it matters most.
I just hope that, this type of behavior portraying the new India, is limited to people like Sreesanth and those few wannabes in the Wankhede stadium. Controlled agression is anytime a boon and adds to the personality but when it goes over the top and gets personal(like that racial slur), it is nothing more than a sign of immaturity, ignorance and incompetance.